Starkwhite artist Gavin Hipkins is one of the contributors to a round table discussion on The State of Art and Discourse in New Zealand published in issue/03 2009 of Reading Room A Journal of Art and Culture. Editor Christina Barton says: "The purpose of this round table was to focus on the situation for art and discourse in New Zealand at this historical juncture. Given that the globalisation of the art world is one of the contemporary’s strongest rhetorical claims, the editors of Reading Room (Christina Barton, Natasha Conland and Wystan Curnow) believed it was timely and worthwhile to situate the discussion within a local frame.” The other contributors were: Emma Budgen Director of Artspace (Auckland); Peter Brunt, art historian; Greg Burke, Director of the Power Plant (Toronto); Robert Leonard, Director of the Institute of Modern Art (Brisbane); and Damian Skinner, freelance curator and writer. Reading Room A Journal of Art and Culture is published by the E.H. McCormick Research Library, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki.
Image: Luis Jacob, A Dance for Those Whose of Us Whose Hearts Have Turned to Ice, video (DVD), 2007.