Friday, September 23, 2011

Recipient of the Arts Foundation's Award for Patronage announced

The Chartwell Trust is the recipient of the Arts Foundation's 2011 Award for Patronage. The Arts Foundation provides $20,000 to the recipient to distribute to arts projects of their choice. As with previous awardees, the Chartwell Trust is donating $20,000 so that four $10,000 awards can be made to artists and/or arts organisations at the award ceremony on 11 October.

To date the award has gone to: Gus and Irene Fisher (2010), Adrienne, Lady Stewart (2009), Gillian and Roderick Deane (2008), Dame Jenny Gibbs (2007) and Denis and Verna Adams (2005).
Image: Clinton Watkins, Feedback (2011), video stills from a free art download project presented by Chartwell and Starkwhite at the 2011 Auckland Art Fair